Customer Testimonials

Meghan - April 2016

We were doing a complete gut job renovation at my house on Metcalfe, which required that the staircases to all four levels of the house be relocated and completely rebuilt.

I found Kevin to be responsive and helpful by email and I then spoke to Kevin by phone to design the staircase. In one half hour conversation, in which I was able to view examples of various styles of staircases on the helpful website, we planned the whole thing. Shortly after that phone call, the stairs were installed by Ryan over the course of the Easter long weekend. Ryan was hardworking and pleasant, and I spent a fair bit of time with him that weekend.

Once the stairs were installed, I was happy with the stairs. My only issue was that there was one part of the railing called a gooseneck which was installed correctly, but I didn't like the way it looked. I emailed Kevin and we worked out an alternative in a day and a few days later it was changed.

I think the stairs are absolutely beautiful: entirely in keeping with the Victorian nature of the house and both functional and elegant. I am thrilled with the way that they turned out and I would recommend RK Woodworking to anyone. Thank you both, Kevin and Ryan.
