Customer Testimonials

Our customers agree that we do incredible work as is seen on the independent website

Shelly - Dec 2023

Hi Ryan, 
I wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for such an amazing experience.  I was going to call you but I thought you may appreciate having this in writing so you can share it with potential clients. 
The rebuild of our stairs and the installation of a new hand railing was completed on time and with a quality that surpassed my expectations. It's all much nicer that I imagined. And Alwayne is such a true professional.  His work ethic and skills were incredible. He was a pleasure to have in our home. If you ever need a reference, please don't hesitate to share my name and email address with prospective clients.

Frances - Jan 2022

Hi Kevin,

I just wanted to let you know that I was very pleased with the service you folks provided. The workers were very nice and respectful and they sure earned their keep! Thanks! The railings look great too.

Kind Regards,

Yiota - Sept 2021

Hi Kevin,

Quick note to say thank you.  They turned out nicer than I expected.  Will send photos as soon as they are stained.  


Stuart - Sept 2019

Hey Kevin,

Just wanted to say thanks again and great job on the posts. Everything worked out perfectly.


Laura - Nov 2018

Hi Kevin, 

Thank you again for your teams' hard work - we love the railing - absolutely gorgeous and exactly what I had hoped for.

Talk to you soon,

Daniela - Aug 2018


The stairs are beautiful and please tell Kevin and his crew that we are very happy.

Best regards


Alfredo - Feb 2018

The stairs were completed on the weekend and they look amazing. Thank you for all your hard work on this renovation of mine. My neighbour who is also doing renovations came over to look at the stairs and was impressed. I hope you don't mind by I passed on your name and contact info to him. He may be contacting you.

Chris - Dec 2017


Thought you would like to see pics of the finished staircase. We love it! Thanks to R&K Woodworking!


Cynthia - Oct 2017

[The railing] looks great. You're installer is fantastic.

Catherine - Aug 2017

Kevin, I just wanted to let you know I'm so very pleased with the results of the stairs, pickets and handrail at Briar Hill. Thank you to your team, Ryan did a great job.
